We had a pre wedding celebration when mak and Sway chik was here last month, it completed what was partially missing. FAMILY.
Plans for the wedding..
27th August 2011 : All of us are planning to stay in Melaka before going to Air Kuning, just not sure to stay together or not.
28th August 2011 : 11am to convoy to Air Kuning for the Hantaran
2pm Wedding Lunch at Gemencheh for May's side of the family
Ends there
2nd September : Stay overnight at A'Famosa
3rd September : arrive to Air Kuning by 8.30am
Tea ceremony for May's side of family
Depart Air Kuning by 9am. Should arrive Subang Jaya by 11am
Tea ceremony for our side of the family
Dinner at Holiday Villa Subang at 7.30pm
Then it will end another chapter. Another chapter that mum and dad should be around for.