On 25th of May 2009, we started to find out about dads condition. Jaundiced and tired, Thank God Esther saw it.
Then after a series of check ups, we found that dad too has cancer. And of the Liver like mum. But he is strong, and has the will to fight it. Thats my dad, when the going gets tough. He gets tougher than tough. Nothing can beat dad. He is the one, the only.. THE DAD!!
Though we kids are going through a trying time, we all have the same thoughts i am sure. He is our Dad, and all that we can do we will do as he has done for us so many times. As he has done for Mum so valiantly.
Today I started to pray again. After forsaking HIM after MUM died, I have a reason to pray. This is my prayer:
Mercy dear God for Dad. Mercy dear God for Dad's family. We have forsaken you and have learnt by your will. If this is the path that we have to follow to be put in our places, I do accept. But please show mercy on us and on Dad.
Later today Dad has to go to the Sunmed for a minor surgery. We expect it to go well. But still all the same we are all worried. Also again in prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for this effort. Please protect us and give us strength.
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