Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Living on.. Please be there..

Mums final wish is to see me get married. I still remember it very clearly. It was on the 1st day of Chinese New Year 2009 when we were all wishing each other, when my turn came she said "I only want to see you get married" and thats when i saw the tears in her eyes and I cried too. It was the first time I saw mum cry ever in my life.

I am sorry you can't be here mum. You were there for everyones wedding and took active part in the most important time of their lives. I wish you were here now, I hope you will be here..

All the documentations are done, its now just the planning of how it will go through. I want you there, I want your support there. I want you to accompany dad there. It is a difficult time for him especially, he used to be the backbencher in the arrangements. Now he has taken lead and helping for the arrangements. This is scary-la. I told you on the day we got back from Air Kuning too, when you said "I am so happy". Its SCARY-la.

I am already feeling the missing of someone on the registration day. And its you MUM. You will not be there, but I am still hoping you will be there. It will be on the 30th of May 2009, on my birthday I will get registered, the day before your birthday. That has always been our 'special' mum, that made us the same.. I miss you mum.. Please be there.

Dad has done a good job mum. You would be proud..

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